- Upon request we will email or send a prospectus which sets out the ethos of the nursery.
- We encourage all interested families to visit our setting where possible prior to sending in an application.
- We encourage parents to contact us with any questions relating to the nursery where our supervisor will be happy to discuss interest and handle queries.
- We will place each application on the waiting list for the academic year (for the relevant term) in which the child is due to start.
- In the event of the waiting list exceeding the number of available places, priority will be given as detailed in the above criteria “Admissions”.
- We will write to each successful family offering them a place and requesting a deposit of £100 to secure a place for their child/children. (Refundable during the child’s last term at HWPP from last term’s fees).
- Note this is in addition to the registration fee which is not refundable.
Please click here to complete a Registration Form.